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Why Is Workers Compensation Important?

Workers compensation is a state law that protects workers who are injured on the job. Whether you are an employer or an employee, it is important to understand how this system works and what you can expect from it.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation

Workers compensation is a system that helps injured workers get paid and receive medical care. It’s a way for employers to cover the costs of injuries and illness without having to worry about lawsuits from their employees.

The basics of workers’ compensation are:

  • The employer pays a portion of their employee’s medical bills (up to 95%) up front, usually within two weeks after an injury occurs. This money goes directly into a trust fund called the “workers compensation fund.”
  • If that isn’t enough, there are other funds available through state governments or private insurance companies that can help cover some costs if you need more time off work than originally expected.

Benefits of Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that provides medical benefits and wage replacement to injured workers who are in the workforce. It also helps protect against lawsuits, employee theft, and other employment-related accidents.

Is Workers Compensation Required in Oregon?

Oregon is a workers’ compensation state. In addition, the Oregon legislature has made it mandatory for all employers to provide workers compensation insurance and benefits, whether they are large or small.

This means that if you are an employer in Oregon, you must have your own private policy on workers compensation as part of your business owner’s insurance policy. When first starting out, it’s important to understand what Workers Compensation Insurance will cover for employees who get hurt on the job.

What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover in Oregon?

Workers’ compensation covers:

  • Medical and rehabilitation benefits for injuries sustained on the job (this includes physical therapy)
  • Temporary disability benefits for lost wages due to injury or illness caused by accident at work (these can be paid until you’re able to return to work)
  • Permanent disability benefits if you become permanently unable due to disease or injury at work (these can be paid for years after your injury ends).

Duties of the Employee

While it’s important to be aware of worker’s compensation laws, you must also follow your employer’s duties. Your supervisor will tell you what he or she expects from you and how to report any injuries that may occur while on the job.

In addition, they may require that employees follow certain procedures in order to ensure proper treatment for workplace injuries.

The Bottom Line

Workers’ Compensation is a large part of business, and you could be liable to provide it for your employees. The law requires that all employers provide workers’ compensation coverage, which means that if the employer is found at fault, they will have to pay the injured worker’s medical bills and lost wages.

The purpose of this legislation is to protect employees who are injured on the job so they can continue working while they recover from their injuries or illnesses.

In many cases where an employee sues his or her employer for failing to properly train or supervise him or her, workers’ comp laws allow him/her to receive damages for pain and suffering caused by his/her injury rather than having to sue directly against their boss.

It’s important to understand what workers compensation is and how it can benefit your business. It’s also important that you know if you are required by law to provide this service.

The best way to find out if you need to provide this type of insurance is by contacting your local Oregon Department of Labor or Oregon State Board of Examiners office.

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