Urgent care is a form of healthcare that can be used for patients who need immediate medical attention. These centers are often located close to the patient, and they provide fast, efficient care during off-hours. You may only have to wait a few minutes or less before your visit is over.
A lot of illnesses can be considered urgent care and can be treated a lot faster compared to other illnesses.
Here are some of the most common urgent care visits in Oregon.
Sore Throat

One of the most common urgent care visits is for sore throat. A sore throat is a common symptom of many illnesses. A virus, bacteria, or fungus can cause sore throats. Symptoms include fever, headache, and earache.
A fever is your body’s natural response to infection. The temperature of your skin will rise when you have a fever, but it won’t always be obvious because of all the other symptoms that come along with it. If you have a high temperature (99 degrees), you should see a doctor right away.
You can treat most childhood illnesses at home by following some simple steps to prevent them from turning into more serious conditions:
- Use wipes or damp sponges on any sores or cuts that come in contact with feces or urine (like diaper rash), especially if they’re irritated by cloth diapers; these items can irritate wounds and cause infections which could lead to serious illness if left untreated for too long
Flu-related Symptoms

Flu-related symptoms can include:
- Fever
- Headache
- Cough (some people may have a nonproductive cough that does not produce phlegm)
- Sore throat can be accompanied by hoarseness or soreness due to irritation from coughing and sneezing. You may also have problems swallowing, such as pain after eating or drinking liquids; this is called dysphagia and is common with flu infections. It’s important not to confuse this symptom with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD occurs when stomach acid leaks into your esophagus instead of being digested properly by its cells there; it causes heartburn because stomach contents irritate the sensitive lining around your esophagus.
Upper Respiratory Infections
Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are a common problem among children, teens, and adults. Symptoms of a URI include:
- Runny nose
- Cough
- Sore throat
Many types of URIs can cause these symptoms, but the most common are sinus infections, ear infections, and coughs/sneezing/sore throat. The most common symptom of an upper respiratory infection is fever. Other symptoms include congestion in your chest area as well as feeling tired or irritable because you’re running a high fever all day long!
Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain, also known as belly ache or indigestion, is one of the most common reasons for urgent care visits. It can be caused by many different things, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gallbladder disease, and an intestinal infection.

Headaches can be caused by stress, poor posture, and poor sleep habits. They may also be caused by dehydration, hunger, and lack of exercise.
Headaches are usually classified into 3 main types:
- Migraine
- Tension headaches
- Cluster headaches
If you have an urgent care need and can’t wait for your primary care provider, visit Kleiman Healthcare Services. We are open from 6AM – 10PM (Sunday – Friday) via Telemedicine Appointment and 9AM – 5PM via Clinic Visit.
At Kleiman Healthcare Services our knowledgeable healthcare professionals put your safety in mind. If you require urgent care assistance, don’t hesitate to visit us.
If you have other medical concerns, feel free to contact us and book an appointment. You can reach us by phone or by filling up our contact sheet. This clinic is led by nurse practitioners that seek to give you the best care at a fair price. We work hard to offer top-notch customer service while giving each person our undivided attention.